Accessible marine news sources

Sometimes it can be hard keeping in the loop of on going research and new developments in the marine world, or just the environmental world in general. So I have compiled a list of my personal favourite websites for accessible and (fairly) understandable environmental news and updates Hakai Magazine. Hakai is a website I really... Continue Reading →

Return of the Cate

I started this blog in January 2018 after a module on extreme marine habitats. As part of this module, we were tasked with writing 3 articles on something extreme and marine, whether it be a species, a habitat or something a little more out of the box. My 3 articles were a bit of a... Continue Reading →

Ocean Optimism: 2020

2020 has been a tough year for everyone around the globe. A year that started out with devastating bushfires across Australia, has only got progressively worse with the Covid-19 pandemic, let alone Brexit and the dramas of the US Presidential Election. But, this year hasn't been complete doom and gloom, so to end it on... Continue Reading →

The after grad

Two years ago, I wrote an article with a little post-graduation advice for my fellow graduates, filled with wise words from my lecturers at the School of Ocean Science, Bangor University. The post was read over 2000 times within 3 days of publication, and my mind was blown with the positive feedback I received from... Continue Reading →

Seeking sustainability: The bottle

For the last few years, I’ve tried to waste less. As a marine biologist, I’ve witnessed first-hand the impacts of our dependency on plastic. The most motivational and hard-hitting moment for me was finding a large macroplastic fragment in a fish’s stomach. It’s not always easy choosing something more sustainable, or an option with less... Continue Reading →

A Year in Industry: Part 3

If theres one thing that I regret from my undergraduate degree, its that I didnt take the opportunity to do a year in industry. A year in industry is where a student gets to go into the working field, whether at a research institute or a company, and work alongside experts for a year. This... Continue Reading →

A Year in Industry: Part 2

If theres one thing that I regret from my undergraduate degree, its that I didnt take the opportunity to do a year in industry. A year in industry is where a student gets to go into the working field, whether at a research institute or a company, and work alongside experts for a year. This... Continue Reading →

A Year in Industry: Part 1

If theres one thing that I regret from my undergraduate degree, its that I didnt take the opportunity to do a year in industry. A year in industry is where a student gets to go into the working field, whether at a research institute or a company, and work alongside experts for a year. This... Continue Reading →

Meet the Scientist: Mattias Green

Mattias Green. Reader in Physical Oceanography at Bangor University. Mattias Green. Image taken from Mattias’ work focuses on using modelling and observations to explore how tides interact with other components within the Earth’s system, and how these interactions have changed over time. He completed his MSci and PhD at Gothenburg University, and took his... Continue Reading →

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