Accessible marine news sources

Sometimes it can be hard keeping in the loop of on going research and new developments in the marine world, or just the environmental world in general. So I have compiled a list of my personal favourite websites for accessible and (fairly) understandable environmental news and updates Hakai Magazine. Hakai is a website I really... Continue Reading →

Return of the Cate

I started this blog in January 2018 after a module on extreme marine habitats. As part of this module, we were tasked with writing 3 articles on something extreme and marine, whether it be a species, a habitat or something a little more out of the box. My 3 articles were a bit of a... Continue Reading →

Ocean Optimism: 2020

2020 has been a tough year for everyone around the globe. A year that started out with devastating bushfires across Australia, has only got progressively worse with the Covid-19 pandemic, let alone Brexit and the dramas of the US Presidential Election. But, this year hasn't been complete doom and gloom, so to end it on... Continue Reading →

The after grad

Two years ago, I wrote an article with a little post-graduation advice for my fellow graduates, filled with wise words from my lecturers at the School of Ocean Science, Bangor University. The post was read over 2000 times within 3 days of publication, and my mind was blown with the positive feedback I received from... Continue Reading →

A Year in Industry: Part 1

If theres one thing that I regret from my undergraduate degree, its that I didnt take the opportunity to do a year in industry. A year in industry is where a student gets to go into the working field, whether at a research institute or a company, and work alongside experts for a year. This... Continue Reading →

Vampires in the deep

If you go down to the deep-sea tonight, you’re in for a big surprise. We’ve got Goblin sharks and Anglerfish, Fangtooths and Gulper Eels, and Isopods bigger than your eyes. But deep down there you will find a Halloween marvel, a deep-sea cephalopod of the night. The Vampire squid, Vampuroteuthis infernalis, which in Latin literally... Continue Reading →

PCB pollution: Killer of the whales

The other week I saw an article by The Guardian doing its rounds on my Facebook newsfeed. “Orca ‘apocalypse’: Half of killer whales doomed to die from pollution’. It caught my eye and has since caught the attention of various other media outlets. The paper in focus is recently released research on predictions of the... Continue Reading →

The firefly of the sea

On spring evenings, within the waters of the Japan you can find the sea lit brighter than the night sky. The cause of these illuminated waters is the tiny cephalopod, Watasenia scintillans, or more aptly known as the firefly squid. At 3 inches long these brightly lit creatures can be found in deep-sea shelf waters around Japan,... Continue Reading →

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